Why is it when I come to class you are never on time? Why is it when I raise my hand you don't acknowledge me? Why is it when I send you emails about my grades, assignments, and lectures you don't reply? Why is when I decide I am finally fed and go to the Dean you do nothing but lie? Sometimes I come to school hungry or had a long night....You don't know what I go home to but I doubt you don't care. I thought it was good to go to school? I heard you learn different subjects and meet cool friends. My teacher is suppose to be there to help me and mold me into wonderful person. But how when the teacher don't like their job? How is it when the teacher rather read through power points instead of participating within the class. How is it when he/she is never available and could care less what I go through? That is what I call cold blooded and I ask the school systems to STOP hiring these actors as teachers. I know you don't believe me,but this I know. NEVER forget our kids is all we got, our kids is our f u t u r e.......
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